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Here you see pictures of bears with

Graffiti Painting

All of these photos show bears we allready produced in past. And even if it is possible to reproduce these bears they are handemade any way. Especially bears in Graffiti-Style only can be reproduced on a limited scale. So each bear looks different and becomes an unique pice of collector's item for his owner.
Teddy-Bear in Graffiti-Style: Winner of Golden George 2007 Teddy-Baer in Graffiti-Style: Winner of Golden George 2007


Winner of Golden George 2007

Category I - Premium Class

Unfortunately this bear is allready sold.

15.75 inches
Short mohair, sole of foot made of miniature bear material.
The bear is airbrushed and ornamented with lasting colours.

Teddy-Baer in Graffiti-Style: Winner of Golden George 2007 Teddy-Baer in Graffiti-Style: Winner of Golden George 2007 Teddy-Baer in Graffiti-Style: Winner of Golden George 2007 Teddy-Baer in Graffiti-Style: Winner of Golden George 2007

Teddy-Bear in Graffiti-Style


Unfortunately this bear is allready sold.

15.75 inches
Short mohair, sole of foot made of miniature bear material.
The bear is airbrushed and ornamented with lasting colours.

Teddy-Bear in Graffiti-Style Teddy-Bear in Graffiti-Style
Airbrush and graffiti are made by famous artist Carlos Lorente

Teddy-Bear in Graffiti-Style Teddy-Bear in Graffiti-Style
Airbrush and graffiti are made by famous artist Carlos Lorente


Another Graffiti-Bear

15.75 inches
Short mohair, sole of foot made of miniature bear material.
The bear is airbrushed and ornamented with lasting colours.

Where to find what?